Sunday 30 December 2012

What is Chained CPI?

A hot topic in recent days, but what the heck does it mean??

Chained CPI hits hard
Chained CPI (or chained consumer price index) is a means of calculating cost-of-living adjustments for those who get some form of federal benefits.

Chained CPI assumes that people would buy cheaper goods when they have less money to spend. So if someone can't afford steak, they'll buy chicken instead. It assumes that all things are equal in quality, but not equal in price. Why should people pay for a new home when they could, after all, live in a trailer? In both cases, the negotiators assume, people have a roof over their heads. Who cares about the quality?

Using chain CPI, instead of continuing to use standard CPI, allows the government to help balance it's books on the backs of those with the most to lose. Retirees, veterans, those receiving disability or social security, and so forth all rely on the CPI to keep themselves ahead of inflation. These people will lose ground every year under chain CPI.

But what's really happening is that the negotiators in Washington want to cut entitlements without appearing to cut entitlements. By doing that they're also going to impact the ability of people to buy all sorts of goods. If chained CPI is enacted as a part of the fiscal cliff deal (and something will be enacted, there's too much political pressure for it not to happen) we'll see a large decline in American's disposable income.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Cracking the code of an 19th century secret society

For many years, Christiane Schaefer and Wolfgang Hock met at an Italian bistro in Berlin. The 2 experts in ancient writings talked for hours about dead languages and obscure manuscripts. In the fall of 1998, Schaefer was about to leave Berlin to take a job in the linguistics department at Uppsala University of Sweden. Hock said that he had a goodbye-present for Schaefer, a large brown paper envelope marked with the words top secret and a series of odd characters. Inside was a note that read, “Something for those long Swedish winter nights” It was paper-clipped to 100 or so photocopied pages filled with a handwritten script that made no sense to her whatsoever:

It was some strange kind of cipher. Schaefer pelted Hock with questions about the manuscript’s contents. Hock deflected her with laughter, mentioning only that the original text could be Albanian of some sort and that she would have to find her own answers.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

What do you mean, not obviously subliminal?

How the Obama team uses the "saint technique" of subliminal mind play:

And here an example from Harry Potter:

So why are there subliminal sex embeds in family movies? Is it because sex sells or is there more to it... Most experts on this subject say that keeping the people in the "animal-like state" and replacing everything gorgeous and good with  beastliness and corruption, is the real purpose.  It's the mind-control game. Some people (the people with power) just don't want the public to think too much. The people who run the world and want to continue doing that without being interrupted. The principle is not really new, it's been in use since the Roman Empire - the Bread and Games solution for oppressed and exploited masses in a decadent society. 

In order to understand how the word SEX keeps us from thinking let's see how our brain is built. It consists of three parts: Reptilian complex, Limbic system and Neo-cortex. Reptilian complex controls involuntary behavior and automatic functions such as breath, heartbeat etc. Primary needs, such as self-preservation, hunger, reproduction etc initiate as well in this part of the brain. Constant stimulation of the R-complex by relevant stimuli averts the higher parts of the brain from their full functioning.

PI-40 / MJ-12 (Majestic 12) / MAJI

PI-40, previously known as MJ-12 or Majestic-12 is a division within the US shadow government's NCS department (National Security Council) which exercises policy direction and control of the various UFO / extraterrestrial cover-ups. As part of NCS, PI-40 / MJ-12 falls directly under the shadow government's Executive Branch (the highest level of governance). Majestic-12 is a committee of scientists, military leaders and government officials, established in 1947 by executive order of President Truman almost immediately after the Roswell UFO crash.

MJ-12 Special Operations
Manual - Top Secret
In 1954 MJ-12 it was incorporated into the NCS by President Eisenhower (Executive Order 54-12). Since then, the committee has had several names including "group 54-12", "the 303-committee" and currently its name is PI-40. Ever since the committee's establishment, the main ongoing operation is code-named "Operation Majority", which simply en-capsules every aspect, all projects and all consequences of any presence of alien life and/or technology on earth. In the early days, MJ-12 first was a part of the secret "Jason Group" which consisted of 30 committee members. The top-12 committee-members formed the special MJ-12 committee and were code-named J-1, J-2, J-3 (J for Jason) and so forth. The US President, to which the committee was responsible was code-named "Majesty". Since MJ-12 is now a part of NCS within the shadow government, the group doesn't get their orders directly from the President anymore but from the Executive Branch (of which the President is merely a member).

MJ-12 briefing document
President Eisenhower
A secret meeting place was constructed for the MJ-12 group in Maryland and is only accessible by air. It contains full living, recreational, and other facilities for the MJ-12 group and the Jason Society. It is code named "The Country Club". The land for The Country Club was donated by the Rockerfeller family. Only those with MAJI clearances are allowed to go there.

MAJI - Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence. All information, disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency. This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, DIA, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. This is a very powerful organization and all Alien projects are under its control. MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12. MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all Alien connected material, projects, and information.
MAJIC - means MAJI-controlled.

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